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Badminton is an exciting and a fun recreation - whether it is playing in the or on the beach, at World Class and Olympic level, or at all levels in between, badminton can offer something for . From to old, all abilities can participate, it is quick to get success and accessible to everyone.
Badminton is the World’s No. 1 , and approximately 2 million people play in the UK on a regular basis.
BADMINTON England is the National Governing Body of the sport in England, and has a wide development network through . One of their key tasks is to introduce badminton to as many as possible, at schools and sports etc, so that they can find out for themselves what an enjoyable sport is can be.
There are two distinct elements of the game -
The sport where the can travel in excess of 100 , and players compete in a fast game which demands , jumping, twisting, stretching, running backwards, forwards and sideways, lunging and hand-to-eye co-ordination, plus quick reflexes, sometimes a delicate drop shot followed by a full-on smash. In a typical two-game singles match, top players will cover nearly every inch of the court, and travel more than a mile.
And a fun, active recreation which can be played by people at all skill levels and - from 5 to 95!
There are about 50,000 affiliated to BADMINTON England, and about 2300 .
BADMINTON England looks after our National Squad, and players represent England all over the . Gail Emms and Nathan Robertson won a silver medal in the mixed doubles at the 2004 .
Badminton has something to offer - so say the approximately 2 million people in England who play on a regular basis!
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